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Health and wellbeing after covid

Many of us have been affected by covid in different ways with the lockdowns causing a lot of us to experience stress and depression due to spending long periods stuck at home. A lot of peopl... [Read more]
February 22, 2022 No Comments

Can Spinning Can Help Your Fitness?

Spinning is a wonderful way to lose weight. It works your heart out and burns calories at the same time. There are many ways that you can do spinning such as by doing aerobics or circuit training, or... [Read more]
October 6, 2021 No Comments

Healthy Food and Exercise

Fitness is an important factor in everybody's life, and healthy food and exercise are the key to fitness. No matter how fit or how out of shape you are, if you're not eating right or exercising, you... [Read more]
August 19, 2021 No Comments