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Eco Friendly Fitness Fashion

There are many fitness fashion accessories to choose from. From workout gear to sports apparel, from women's athletic shoes to men's shoes, fitness fashion is all around us. For those looking to mak... [Read more]
August 12, 2021 No Comments

Dietary Needs for Different Body Types

Navigating the realm of nutrition can be a daunting task, especially when considering the diverse array of body types and their unique dietary requirements. Understanding and accommodating these dif... [Read more]
June 25, 2021 No Comments

The Basics of Calisthenics

The basics of calisthenics are simply pulling and pushing. What we pull is how we work out the body. Whether it's working up a healthy sweat in a fitness class or trying to get a washboard stomach li... [Read more]
May 7, 2021 No Comments

Why do CrossFit athletes use WOD timers?

CrossFit is a complex science. It requires an entire scientific understanding of human physiology and the physiological influences that exercise has on the body. The focus on specific training method... [Read more]
May 5, 2021 No Comments

What are Bear Komplex Knee Sleeves?

Knee sleeves should provide the best in support and compression while performing a variety of exercises. This style of fit provides optimum motion and function. Knee sleeves will save your knees whi... [Read more]
May 4, 2021 No Comments